The Singer Model 221 “Featherweight” Sewing Machine
Made in USA Featherweight Oil Cans
QUESTION: WHAT Oil Can came with my American made 221 FEATHERWEIGHT ?
ANSWER: SINGER built many, many different Oil Cans for their machines. But when it comes to the American 221 the number narrows down to just a few.
MY 1933 machine, AD541757, when I bought it many years ago was 100% Complete and it had a full 3 FL.Oz can with a PRICE 20 Cents marked at the bottom.
and on the side it was marked for Sewing machines and Singer Vacuum Cleaners.

I have seen the can below with other very early 1933 machines...THERE is a Picture at the top of this article of a 1934 era 221 being oiled with the other 3 Oz oil can, It is Not marked with a Price. And the side is Only marked SINGER SEWING MACHINES.. SO! If you have a Very early 1933 to 1934 machine, One of these oil cans would be original for your machine.........

SOMETIMES around the 1934 era Singer reduced the size of their oil cans down to 1 1/3 Oz and had a PRICE 10 Cents on them.

The side of the can was still marked for Singer sewing machines and Vacuum cleaners.. IF You have a 221 from 1934 to 1948ish...OR Have a CASE with TOP TRAY, this would be the original oil can for your machine..
IN the late 1949 early 1950 era Singer again redesigned their oil can. This time the 10 cent price was removed, and the writing on the side was changed for household sewing machines. IF you have a 1950 era or later TYPE 5 of TYPE 6 CASE this would be the original oil can for your machine..
BEFORE I go, I want to make it perfectly clear. Singer built many oil cans, IF you own a Canada or British machine you may/will have a different oil can with it. We have many new 221 collectors reading our articles, I don't want to confuse them or get them in over their heads. Leo's and my intent is to build up the number of 221 collectors, not run them off. So you old experts Please bear with us, as sometimes we must all take baby steps...
LEO and I have seen the SINGER Oil Cans ruined by people wanting/trying to refill them with oil. Here is my solution if you really want oil in your oil cans. Use a large needle, Oil does not go in without a fight...

Just for the record ALL of mine are full. I DO NOT store the Oil Can with my CASE, ALL oil cans do and will leak to some degree.....
THANKS again for all you GOOD People who express your support. LEO has some beautiful 221s that would make an AWESOME Christmas or Birthday present, There is something about the MAGIC OF KUJAT, that will place a smile on her lips and a twinkle in her eyes..........Till next time Take Care and GOD BLESS...